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Recogida de ropa para los campamentos de refugiados en Siria

Os dejo la carta firmada por el Director de Contemporary Art Platform Abed Alkadiri en la que se nos pide ayuda para recoger ropa de invierno para los campos de refugiados sirios que en este momento están pasando muchas penurias. Yo me comprometo a recibir vuestras cajas/bolsas de ropa y/o mantas y llevarlas semanalmente a CAP aunque lo mejor sería que fuerais vosotros para allí, ahora que si eso va a ser un problema me ofrezco voluntaria a hacerlo. Que la generosidad española quede latente con este simple gesto de deshacernos de cosas que pueden ayudar a otros.

Dear All,

As the situation in Syria reaches an unprecedented Humanitarian catastrophe, many families have been displaced and are living in refugee camps under tents in subzero temperatures. Many children have died only because of the freezing temperatures.

CAP will be cooperating with Green Art Gallery- Dubai with their great mission to put an effort to collect as many winter clothes as possible and to ship them over to the camps, please share this appeal for clothes donation for both adults and children. Shoes, blankets, sweaters , hats, scarves , anything warm even if it's one item will help tremendously.

As for those who are wondering where is this appeal will be going; It's going to Olive tree Camp in Atmeh, Syria which is basically called " the forgotten refugees"/ This camp is on the border with Turkey, where thousands of refugees were sleeping under the Idleb sky, without shelter. Immediately tents were purchased and the camp was setup – now it is temporary tent city of over 13,000 people. This is the worst hit camp as there is no one helping them with anything...

Here's more info about the camp.

The drop off point will be at Contemporary Art Platform, Industrial Shuwaikh, Block 2, St. 28, Life Center, Mezzanine. We will continue to gather until we have a large quantity to ship it to Dubai. But of course the earlier the better.
For those of you don't live in Kuwaiti, please consider sharing this with as many people as you know who live in Kuwait.

Please note that:
• The drop off will be between 10:00am – 8:00pm except on Friday its off.
• We are aiming to ship out by early January so you can drop off until then.
• For CAP location map, please click on this link:

Thank you everyone


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