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¿Que está pasando en Al Bidaa?

Bueno bueno bueno la que se va a montar en la rotonda Al Bidaa y alrededores. Van a construir un paso elevado para coches desde Belajat St. hasta Al-Taweel St. con una obra desorbitada a mi parecer, lo que un semáforo y un poco de educación vial soluciona aqui se traduce en una obra de 14 millones de dinares (multiplica por tres para saber el precio en €) y un montón de problemas de tráfico. Si quieres saber mas pincha en este link
Espero tener mas suerte que con el parque Boulevard que está en obras desde que llegué hace 6 años y pueda ver esta obra terminada.

Construction, Completion and Maintenance of Bridge & Other Services at Gulf Street on Al Bidda Roundabout

ClientMinistry of Public Works

Contract No.RA/222
Commencement Date02/21/2016
Completion Date02/20/2018
Project ValueKD 13,997,900
Project Description:
The scope of the works is to improve the performance of AL-Bidda Roundabout (located at the East end of 5th Ring Road on the Coast) with the construction of 2 R.C. Flyovers across the Roundabout Each flyover will carry 2 lanes of traffic and will be over 330m long and of 12 spans. Special noise/visual protection screen will be provided on top of some parts of the flyover parapets. The flyovers will have piled foundations and the columns will have a Y-shaped top, for appearance. Provision & installation of bearing, expansion & fixed joint, drainage pipes and gullies are also included in the works. The flyover approaches will be walled (on the ramp sides) using MSE walls with parapet on top of the wall and a walled abutment.

The scope also includes the construction of a utilities Box Culver, 560m long , 8.00m deep and 4.25m wide on the N.E. part of the project (from Al Bidda Roundabout at Bahrain street).

Other works under this contract consist of :
a) Earthworks, b) Asphalt works, c) Traffic Markings and sings (incl. Overhead Gantry signs, post mounted Directional signs and Warning & Regulatory signs), d) Road markings, e)Water Pipeline construction and relocation of existing network in R.C. service gallery, f) Metal works (incl. Crash Barriers, Gullies, Manhole covers, etc.), g) Road Lighting and Electrical works, h) Landscaping & irrigation works(mainly inside the Roundabout), i) Service Gallery (a sizeable twin-cell R.C. gallery under the NE ramp), j) Telephone works (protection, removal and relocation of existing systems), k) Sanitary Sewer works (construction of a deep Sanitary line and relocation of TSE line Crossing, l) Pumping stations (Supply & installation, complete in place , incl. equipment.

The project requires complex traffic management arrangements, since the roundabout is located on a heavily congested motorway intersection.
Información localizada y compartida por el señor Luis Comás


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