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Al Hijra: Islamic New Year’s Day

Desde wikipedia. Hoy ni cole y oficina, todos de vacaciones.

First day of the Islamic New Year celebrated on the first day of Muharram. Al Hijra is the day when Mohammed began his migration from Mecca to Medina in Islamic Year 1 (1 AH), 622 CE.

The Hijri New Year, also known as Islamic new year (Arabic: رأس السنة الهجريةRas as-Sanah al-Hijriyah) is the day that marks the beginning of a new Islamic calendar year, and is the day on which the year count is incremented. The first day of the year is observed on the first day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar.

Date with respect to Gregorian calendar
Since the Islamic year is 11 to 12 days shorter than the Gregorian year, the Islamic new year does not come on the same day of the Gregorian calendar every year. While some Islamic organizations prefer determining the new month (and hence the new year) dates by local sighting of the moon, most Islamic institutions and countries, including Saudi Arabia[1], follow astronomical calculations to determine future dates of the Islamic calendar. The following dates on the Gregorian calendar correspond to the Islamic new year:
Islamic YearGregorian Date
1426 AH
10 February 2005
1427 AH
31 January 2006
1428 AH20 January 2007
1429 AH10 January 2008
1430 AH29 December 2008
1431 AH18 December 2009
1432 AH7 December 2010
1433 AH26 November 2011
1434 AH14 November 2012
1435 AH3 November 2013
The event also commemorates the death of Prophet Mohammed’s grandson Imam Hussein who, along with his family and followers, was killed in the battle of Karbala in 680 which took place on the tenth day of the month of Muharram.
The Shia Muslims celebrate the day with public enactments of grief while the Sunni Muslims celebrate the occasion on a quieter note with silent offerings to Imam Hussain


  1. No todos, algunos maridos trabajaron: Eva

  2. Ya veo que la batalla de karbala,en Persia,es decisiva para los musulmanes,ya que matca la escision entre chiitas y sunnitas,eso creo.
    Alguien puede aclararme este punto?

  3. Buenooooooooo por fin he leído todo lo que has escrito hasta la fecha y estoy encantada!
    Te seguiré leyendo y disfrutando y comentando y esperando que llegue, otra vez, la ocasión de pasar un ratillo contigo y tu familia (señal inequívoca de que estaré junto a la mía) ;-)



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