Llevo tiempo pasando por delante de la tienda Things by November en Galeria Tilal pero nunca tengo tiempo de pararme. Es de artículos de decoración, así, un poco cursis como yo. Flores, candelabros, rollo british.. Esta en uno de los laterales, detrás de la cafetería. Por cierto también he encontrado una tienda de ropa de monte, excursión etc. North Face y otras marcas. Artículos de picnic, navajas Leatherman etc.... i am sorry, no había bolsas para líquidos.
As we discussed in previous post, the Spanish fashion has a big representation here. Once again, the Inditex group is in all world and markets but "Not only of Zara can the human being dress", right? Companies such as Condor have been installed in this country for a long time and that for moms like me who like the quality and variety of brand socks is helpful (in Baroue find them). Hoss Intropia is also in Kuwait (In The Avenues Mall) rather more expensive than in Spain but the truth is that it's good to go to the store and see the richness of the fabrics and skill in designing clothes. I have a dress that once landed in Bilbao I'll see if I can still find it and buy it. And we are also fortunate to have Adolfo Dominguez (also in The Avenues Mall) the store is huge and has the entire collection including U the young brand. Something I realy miss is a good brand of Spanish Shoes with good prices. We are lucky to have Pretty Ballerinas and from time to time Casta...
La tienda es monisima nada de cursi
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