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CAP, British Council Kuwait and the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, will celebrate "Out of Kuwait" who brings together the work of twelve Kuwait-based artists who have examined and reinterpreted the theme of landscape art during a one month artist residency programme called Landscapes Expanded. The exhibition presents the artists’ analysis of their everyday surroundings and comments on the social, political, and physical landscapes of contemporary Kuwait.
This unique opportunity was inspired by the best of Britain’s Landscape artists, whose work is seen in the British Council’s Out of Britain exhibition currently open at Contemporary Art Platform Kuwait. The programme has given artists living in Kuwait the chance to explore contemporary issues related to site, space and place in their field of work.
Landscapes Expanded was open to candidates from all creative and academic disciplines with the understanding that this would create a trans-disciplinary forum for thinking and working. Each participant’s expertise and experience in their own field helped to inform the work generated by the rest of the group. For individuals outside of formal education this type of stimulating platform is rare. Led by artist and curator Alia Farid Abdal, who explores personal perspectives of public space and constructed landscapes in her own art work and academic research. Participating in the programme are architects Aziz Al Humaidhi and Roa AlShaheen, architecture undergraduate Amani Adel Al Thuwaini, spatial designer Aseel Al Yaqoub, Religion, Literature and Arts graduate, Nima Algooneh, English Literature graduate, Zahra Al Mahdi, jewellery designer, Muneera Al Sharhan, painters Lewis Chapman and Eman Musallem, English and American Literature graduate Faisal Hamadah, journalist Naser Al Wasmi, and Middle East Studies graduate, Ceyda Oskay.

PS: CAP will be participating in "25 years of Arab Creativity" exhibition with a painting of the Kuwaiti artist Jafar Islah titled " Dialogue or No Dialogue ".
The exhibition will take a place at the Arab world institue, Paris - France , featuring the works of many established and emerging Arab artists .
If you are in Paris from the period of October 15th 2012 till February the 3rd 2013 , do not miss the show !


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Spanish fashion in Kuwait | Moda Española en Kuwait II parte

As we discussed in previous post, the Spanish fashion has a big representation here. Once again, the Inditex group is in all world and markets but "Not only of Zara can the human being dress", right? Companies such as Condor have been installed in this country for a long time and that for moms like me who like the quality and variety of brand socks is helpful (in Baroue find them). Hoss Intropia is also in Kuwait (In The Avenues Mall) rather more expensive than in Spain but the truth is that it's good to go to the store and see the richness of the fabrics and skill in designing clothes. I have a dress that once landed in Bilbao I'll see if I can still find it and buy it.  And we are also fortunate to have Adolfo Dominguez (also in The Avenues Mall) the store is huge and has the entire collection including U the young brand. Something I realy miss is a good brand of Spanish Shoes with good prices. We are lucky to have  Pretty Ballerinas and from time to time Casta...

Colonia Kuwaiti para hombre | Kuwait 7711

No todos los olores hechos para Kuwait tienen Out entre sus componentes. Aquí os traigo esta colonia para hombres que mis chicos adoran llamada Kuwait 7711. Yo soy alérgica al Out por lo que esta colonia, que me recuerda a mi niñez y a mi abuelo, me encanta. La compró Br1 en la cooperativa no hace mucho y le costó 1.650 kd. También me parece un buen souvenir que llevarte de Kuwait para estas navidades. Cologne made in Kuwait, throughs me back to good memories of my grand Father. It´s quite cheap, 1.650 kd and you can get it from the coop, Shamiya. I also think its a good souvenir from Kuwait or even a gift for birthdays or Christmas.

Hola a todos, mas de un año y medio después de dejar Kuwait retomo mi actividad bloguera en la página de Relocation dirigida a ayudar a familias que llegan a Bilbao. Me harías muy feliz si compartes con tus amigos viajeros mi página. Todavía está un poco coja pero tenía ganas de contároslo.  Hi everyone, I want to introduce you my new webpage dedicated to inform about relocation in The Basque Country   Please share it with your friends and help me to develope my work. I also offer bespoke visits to my city. I can go with you or I can organise everything for you and your family.