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AbdulRasoul Salman in Al Tilal Gallery

Gallery Tilal will be hosting an exhibition for the artist AbdulRasoul Salman titled RHYTHMS staring (15th to 26th April 2012).
La galería Tilal presenta al artista AbdulRasoul Salman titulada RHYTHMS que será desde el 15 al 26 d abril de 2012.

Al final de la foto podéis leer una carta del autor en inglés en la que explica en que consiste su pintura. Lo siento pero no he podido traducirla. Seguro que me comprendéis.

Letter from the artist;

AbdulRasoul Salman

My relationship with reality is not a direct portrayal, but meeting that exceeds reality in an attempt to connect transcendence with unconsciousness, freedom and bringing uncustomary symbols from life with my interest in idea and colors. I believe that freedom in art does not shatter everything and brings mere thoughts. However, it’s the free commitment which accepts personal aspects in their own adjectives, and addressing more attention to what is human.

Painting for me is an aesthetic and a formative human experience, which usually starts with the self, reality, near and far events, and I’m usually attracted to things which inspire me, whereby I have an intimate desire to produce something… In this phase, I’m very interested in translating such feelings and events into visual image, whereby I’m searching for all favorable conditions which complete the success of this experience. Upon each experience, many questions complete together in connection with the topics of my artwork, ideas and colors, and other artistic values, in which I must find answers that depend on my experience, formed through viewing the expressions of others, as well as their creative processes.

What interests and concerns me is to create something new, associated with my sincere feelings and a technique that reflects my experience of more than forty years in this field. For me, reaction is more sensitive because I address forms that reside inside me and therefore they are presented with a personal aspect is necessary in art. I believe that this relationship between the personality of the artist and the objectivity of the art is what generates creative work. Art should be one composition and ideology.

Pluralism as well is a significant matter to me. It is not conditional that study the schools whose vision conform with my vision, as this usually leads to creative impotency. Although I have not been affected by it, pluralism offers me more richness. It enables me to understand the other schools, which opens various doors of creativity for me. 

Here, at this exhibition I’m giving attention to the inputs of heritage, the concept of modernism and significance of producing without alignment with any of them at the account of the other. Art is a reservoir of images and signs which imagination provides with a relative status and value. To me, it is a mere dictionary from which I select whatever I want and formulate it according to my style, feelings and imaginations.


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