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English Seminar
“Finding Your Purpose – Part II”
By Aruna Ladva
Saturday 9th November 2013, 7:30pm to 9:00pm
There is a reason for everything that has happened in your life thus far - see it as training if you like. You were born to do something in the world – small or big, it doesn’t matter; but you were born to do something unique that only you can do. What is that? Once you have tapped into it, it’s like arriving home; you will feel a deep sense of calm and peace in your soul and flourish.
Part II continues this week … join us. Even if you’ve missed last week’s, you can still join us this week.
Sunday, 10th Nov 2013 | 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Evening meditation
All programs, unless specified are held at Harmony House, Kuwait:
Harmony House Meditation CentreVilla 3, Block 5
Shaheen Al Ghanim Street Shara 59
Rumaithiya, Kuwait
T: +965-2565 4062
Shaheen Al Ghanim Street Shara 59
Rumaithiya, Kuwait
T: +965-2565 4062

Freedom Comes from Owning My Stuff
Sometimes when things go wrong in life, if at that time I can step back and view the situation as an observer, then I will notice that the same things keep happening over and over again. These repetitions of the same dramas in my life should sound a warning bell for me.
What or who is the common denominator? Is it other people? Are the events always the same? In all these situations there are different people, places, time, influences and challenges. Have you noticed: who is the one who is always there when things go wrong! Well, let’s face it, yes, it’s me! By owning this reality I can start to make positive changes in my life.
Other people are not responsible for my way of thinking, feeling and experience of life. When I take sole responsibility for this I start to take power back into my own hands. The sooner I realize this; the sooner I can stop giving my power away to the person or situation that I keep blaming is taking away my happiness.
Of course it’s very easy to blame others – that is the lazy way out. For if I have someone to blame, then I need not put in so much effort myself, as not all of it is my fault! But does this kind of thinking really help me to move forward and make progress? Taking ownership and self responsibility is the key to self transformation.
Everything that is created starts from within, so I have to be mature enough to see what I need to change inside, and this is where I can start empowering myself once again. I simply need to be responsible for my whole self, my thoughts, my feelings, my actions, experience and choices in life. This shift of consciousness means I will be able to learn and grow quickly from my mistakes.
What happens when I own my stuff is that I gain freedom and strength from my learnings in life. It is my old perceptions that traps and limits my own experience of happiness and the positive in my life. We all seek freedom, but we have misunderstood the real nature of freedom.
Sometimes the EGO does not allow me to acknowledge that what I have trapped myself in, is a self-created web. I have to realize that the EGO is not perfect and that it struggles to hide the face of imperfection through blaming others and the world. This attitude is the thread, which keeps me in a disempowered state.
As I develop the humility to become honest with myself and others, then I can free myself from self-deception, and ultimately the EGO. Knowing that what I have created to date is mine, implies that I can also go on to create more and better. I have to realize that I need to affirm that I am a master creator – this is a powerful state to concentrate on.
Let me ask myself daily; will what I am about to create be something I will be proud of later? If not, then do not proceed and press delete! Practice SOS – Stop, Observe and Steer. Let me create the ‘stuff’ that I will be pleased to own!
It’s time… to own my stuff. To see each new situation as a challenge from which I can grow rather than shrink away from. When I accept my mistakes in life, and take ownership of my stuff then I can become a self-empowered being ready to embrace a life of peace, harmony and happiness. But of course this is my choice.
Share these thoughts! ‘It’s Time…’ is spreading far and wide! Feel free to forward this wisdom, but to avoid any karmic rebound, please acknowledge its source –
‘It’s Time…’ by Aruna Ladva, BK Publications London
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