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The Peruvian Food Festival in JW Marriott in Kuwait

Ya os conté aquí lo de la semana gastronómica Peruana, pensaba esperar unos días para contaros mas detalles pero por lo visto esta teniendo mucho éxito y ya el primer día esta todo reservado. 
El restaurante del JW Marriot ofrece un buffet de comida Peruana traído por el famoso cocinero Javier Morante de la cadena de restaurantes Casa Alpina Private collection. El precio es de 15kd/persona (muy razonable por cierto) del 11 al 15 de Marzo (el 10 todo reservado ya) desde las 7.30pm en adelante. Además del buffet unas bailarinas peruanas amenizaran todas las noches con sus bailes regionales.

I told you days ago here about the Peruvian festival of food in JW Marriot such as I was going to give you more information. I am not going to wait to tell you much longer becuase I´ve known that reservations are going too fast and for example 10 th of March is fully booked already and I am sure we all dont want to miss it.

Here you have extra information from the hoteL:

Join us on a journey to the heart of South America's fondness for good food. Be it Fish Ceviche, Lomo Saltado (sautéed beef), Pulpo al Olivo (Octopus in black olive sauce), we have captured the true flavors of Peruvian bounty for a truly unforgettable dining experience – for the first time in Kuwait.

   Open for dinner from 7 pm onwards from March 10 to March 15
   Priced at KD 15 per person
   Reservations recommended
   A complete hand-crafted Peruvian buffet experience

Ponchos for Photographers
Get a chance to wear authentic Peruvian "Ponchos" and hats for photographs and memories of a wonderful Peruvian experience to take home.

Peruvian Dances by Club Libertad
Club Libertad is a renowned and much celebrated cultural centre of Peru, having being founded in the country's second largest city Trujillo. It is also famed for promoting Peruvian's exciting national dance "Marinera" and a troupe all the way from Italy will be performing this exciting dance every night at the La Brasserie during the festival.

The Culinary Magic of Chef Javier Morante
Chef Javier is a renowned Peruvian culinary master with a wide range of national and international experience and is associated with the famous Casa Andina Private Collection chain of restaurants in Peru. He is an expert in blending modern Peruvian delicacies with local ingredients and influences – and his touch will enhance the Peruvian delicacies on offer during the festival.
For more information, call 22455550 or visit


  1. Nata, hace ya 13 años que no me tomo un pisco sauer. Tomaos uno a mi salud. Del ceviche paso

  2. Ay Santi, que aquí tampoco hay pisco sour que tenemos ley seca, seca y podrida, menudo rollazo y resulta que a escondidas todos beben y los pringadillos como nosotro ni una cervecilla.
    Te recuerdo en Chile, ummm cuanto tiempo.


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