Pronto será mi 47 cumpleaños y muchas de las empresas a las que cedo mis datos personales para obtener tarjetas de fidelidad o recibir ofertas me bombardean estos días con campañas de Marketing. Os quiero dejar esta en concreto del grupo AMBER. Me ofrecen 5.000 puntos a añadir a mi tarjeta AMBER si me gasto 85 kd en su tienda.
85 KD equivalen a 265 €, jajajajajajajajajaja
Por cada 1kd que me gasto en sus marcas acumulo 12 puntos y para empezar a poder usar los puntos he de tener 10.000 puntos. O sea que me he tenido que gastar 833kd ( unos 2.583 € ) para que me descuenten algo y que nunca he sabido cuanto es porque no gasto mucho por estos lares en ropas o productos de lujo
¿Y esta es una campaña de Marketing efectiva? Dios, si es que lo que yo no vea aquí no lo veré en ningún otro sitio. ¿Qué os parecen las campañas de Marketing de estos países árabes?
Soon will be my 47 birthday and many companies with whom I´ve shared my personal information to get fidelity cards or receive offers send me special messages to commemorate my day. I want to share with you this one from the AMBER group. They offer me 5.000 points to add to my AMBER Card if I spend 85 kd in their shops. 85 Kd is 265€ hahahahahaha
For every 1kd that I spend in their shops I get 12 points and to start using my points I need to have 10.000 points, so I might have spent 833kd (more or less 2.600€) to get a discount that I´ve never get to know how much is that.
Do you think this is a good marketing campaign? OMG what I have seen in this countries I will never see again. What do you think about this campaigns or others such as of buy 3 and get 3 more from Bath and Body Works for example? Do you think that their Marketing strategy should be checked right away?
Hello Natalia |
With your birthday around the corner we thought you deserved a special gift. |
We'd like to give you 5000 Bonus Points when you spend KWD85 or more at any Amber participating store. |
And we’re also giving you a full 15 days to make the most of this exclusive offer. |
11 December, 2016 - 25 December, 2016 |
Vaya chollazo Natalia!!!!