I´ve discovered a whole shelf of wraps from different places in Sultan Center, whole wheat, spinach and tomato flavour, made of oats, made of corn, big size small size..... You can find the spanish ZANUY brand and the asutralians or north american ones and its fantastic because the new wave of dietary recommends healthy graps with grilled chicken or grilled vegetables. I dont know why having the flour subsidie by the government dont they produce this easy product, They have the know how with the fantastic kubus bread from all this countries so I hope some one takes the idea and starts doing it. Its a win win thing, dont you think?
También el mercado de panes alemanes a base de diferentes composiciones evitando la harina normal está creciendo de forma exponencial. Toda una góndola llena de estos dos productos. ¿Está entrando la tendencia de la comida sana en Kuwait?
Such as the different kind of whole weat breads with any kind of seeds are arriving to Kuwait. May it be that Kuwaiti people are starting to think that they should take care of what they eat? A healthy life style is the new cool therapy.
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